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Thank you, Red cross.

thankyouThis has been an incredible experience!! I got the chance to create from scratch a face painting course for my fellow volunteers and travel through Italy to teach what I know (and still learning). The results were amazing. The Italian Red Cross gave me this opportunity and I made the best of it. Maybe they will never read my blog but I’d like to thank each and every person involved in this project and even if I decided to end it it does not mean I loved every minute of it. I keep volunteering as a BLSD instructor and hope one day to go back to my first love; the ambulance service.

Eulenspiegel brushes review

20141102_135253I probabily got my first Eulenspiegel brush in a pallette I bought a loooong time ago (an unfortunately never used because I really don’t get the Eulenspiegel colors…). I did not like the Eulenspiegel color pay off but I loved the brush (nr. 2). I finally had the chance to but and try out these brushes. The tip of the brush appears to be very smooth and delicate, so they are what’s best for precision work. The handle is thick enough. I sometimes like to work with bigger brushes, but I must admit this was a very good haul 🙂 and something to keep in a face painter case.

Bold lines

I love bold lines and this morning I came up with this. Wolfe white and black, DFX neon pink, Snazaroo green, DFX pastel lilac, green and yellow. Loew Cornell American Painter n. 2,3 Loew Cornell Comfort n. , Loew Cornell 795 round, n. 6 Chisel n. 4, R&L SG 255 n. 8 for dots.


Mimicks Butterfly

I was inspired by the round butterfly designs Mimicks does. Hard to keep the hand light in thick t thin technique. I tried the party Explosion split cake (n.8?) I looove it. Great color payoff, a bit stainy though…Same old brushes, DFX black and the Face Paints Direct Uk petal sponge.

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First wolfe

First attempt at a wolfe face paint pic found on the net.The only grey I have is Superstar paint, impossible to blend and disgusting smell. DFX white and black , DFX sponge R&L flat n.5, Loew Cornell American Painter round n. 3
